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Tuning in to Opera

A course exploring, enjoying and discussing opera at U3A Nillumbik, Melbourne, conducted by Lyn and Tom Richards

Welcome to Tuning in to Opera. Our group meets on Fridays in U3A terms at the Old Eltham Courthouse. This blog offers information about the operas and composers we study - and links to lots more materials about them including live performances.

Contact U3A Nillumbik to join the course (right now there's a waiting list!)

Big Theater

LOL! Comedy and Opera

It’s a new term and we’re embarking on a serious project, to examine the relation of opera and the comic. It’s not a topic often...

Rossini showing off

We finish the term with Rossini's show-off piece "Viaggio a Reims". It was Rossini’s last Italian opera – he was 33. Rossini was...

Boos at the ROH - for discussion

The amazing William Tell is rarely performed and challenging. So Royal Opera House, under highly controversial Kasper Holten challenged...

Rossini's William Tell

QUICK LINKS History and synopsis The music, the story and Vic Opera’s triumph Libretto OUR PRODUCTION Friday, 22nd March Royal Opera...

Buffa, Bel canto and Barber

Friday, March 15th QUICK LINKS We had a look at Rossini in 2017. Read our web page on him which has lots of links to longer articles. As...

Verdi's Otello

Now that we are finishing our long study of Shakespeare in opera, have a read of the sweeping Britannica article on the subject. It's an...

Othello and two Otellos

Quick Links Shakespeare’s Othello text Rossini’s Otello libretto Rossini 's Otello synopsis Joyce diDonato sings the Willow Song The...

New website, new operas

Over the last three years we explored sixty-three operas and a legion of composers. In the second half of last year we focused on operas...

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